
The function of design is to let design function. In things which are well designed, we notice design. In things which are extraordinary, design is unnoticeable.

“I sometimes say that I am not interested in form, but that may not be entirely true. What I mean is simply that the idea behind each project is more important. When the idea is set I focus on shape, colour and detail.”
"My job is to find the equation that gives an object an anchor in a culture, an anchor in time. I think good design is honest, discreet, and above all, durable. Hence the notion of timelessness."
“Craftsmen are my heroes and biggest source of inspiration.”
“Modernism is about how we understand humanity and relate to nature.”
“For me, as an architect and designer, the real topic of the time is to investigate—and to better understand in a theoretical way—the difference between temporality and eternity, what has to be temporary and what has to be permanent.”
“For me design is about seeing the context, discovering the stakes, be they cultural, ecological, economic…, and finding a simple solution that makes a creative synthesis of the stakes.”
“Zanat for me represents the joy of work both in process, and result. Here it is a part of business culture to support the creative process and to respect a designer’s vision. With the beauty of wood and the poetical skill of woodcarvers, Zanat is a precious environment for designers.”
“There is something inexplicably poetic about Zanat and what you do.”
“Design in post-war Bosnia can be seen as a reaction to our socio-economic context. The bravery in creating our own design scene reminds of post-World War II period in Europe, when equal enthusiasm and energy arose.”
“Design is a tool to enhance our humanity.”
“For us, architecture is art. We can surprise our clients with qualities they didn't know they wanted.”
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